Well, as you can see in the picture below, the mission was successful. The balloon was launched from the German town of and reached an altitude of m, where it burst and a specially designed bag automatically released its payload of 200 paper planes.
Each plane carried a memory card with user-generated content uploaded via the web during the lead-up to the mission. Some of the paper planes have already been found across Germany.
The balloon and its attached equipment for video, GPS and telemetry was recovered by the launch team shortly after in a forest. The structure holding the equipment was made from foam, glue and duct tape, and thus did not cause a safety risk.
People who find planes are invited to report their find on the project's website at; http://projectspaceplanes.com/ask
Project Space Planes is led by Joel Veitch, a freelance producer of viral web content based in London and owner of the rathergood.com website.